Help improve FastSTI

We appreciate help with FastSTI, both with coding and documentation. Here are some things that need to be done:

  • Built-in calibration: At present if you want to calibrate a FastSTI model, you’d best use R or Python to process agent output files from FastSTI, and generate .ini configuration files as input back into FastSTI with new parameters. We think it would probably be better if FastSTI’s configuration could be enhanced to calibrate the model.
  • Concurrent relationships: Although the fsti_agent data structure supports concurrent relationships, none of the events are currently designed to handle meaningfully concurrent relationships.
  • More events: Code variations on the current events and new events.
  • Build Python and R interfaces to FastSTI.
  • Improve this documentation.

Feel free to clone the Github repository and submit patches. But before doing so, it may be best to email to inform us what you would like to do, so we can discuss the best way to proceed.

Bugs and other issues

Please lodge bugs, requests for enhancements, etc at the FastSTI Github repository issues page.